My Star宣言



  • 星を所有することは誰もできないことであるが、星の輝きに心癒すことは誰にでも許されている ことである。
  • その星の輝きを「自分が所有する」と主張することを、こと初山別村内においてのみ許す。
  • 本村は、「所有」を主張する者に対し、村内においてのみ通用する名前をその「所有する」星につけることを許す。また、所定の手続きを経て申し込まれた名前は、本村の責任において登録する。
  • 本村は申出のあった星の名前を永久に保管する。




Stars are not owned by anyone,but at the same they belong to everyone.This is becouse we are all calmed by seeing the luminous starlight.And everyone is permitted to make wishes and to take oath to the stars.

So isn't possible to make wishes to a particular star? Even to secretly own one.

In our village,with one condition of "not hurting anyone",we give approval to anyone to have their own original star.

Since the ancient days to the present,at SHOSANBETSU-village in HOKKAIDO,infinite number of stars have twinkled the sky.SHOSANBETSU-village gives an oath to these namerous stars and states to the world the following declaration;

  • No one can really own a star,but everyone is permitted to be calmed by the luminosity of starligt.
  • SHOSANBETSU-village approves anyone to own that starlight and to declare it as one's own.
  • To those who wants to own a particular star,SHOSANBETSU-village will give them an approval to name it.For those names that here gone through the application process,the village will be responsible for recording them.
  • The names of the stars will be kept eternally.
  • In case,those is a conflict between our declaration and the regulations of the rest of the world,these of others will be complied.

Chief of SHOSANBETSU-village